Welcome. This page is intended for anyone who can call themselves a teacher. Could be a parent, school teacher, proffesor, anyone. First of all I wanted to thank you for your work. As someone who personally knows people that work in education I can say I understand what they have to put up with on a daily basis and all the work they have to do. You deserve apprechiation and we at infinistem certinly do apprechiate you, and as a result we have provided apart from the website itself, some free to use, no accredation needed teaching resources!
We have a number of videos from excellent creators (all credited) that we reccomend using to enhance education or provide a resource to struggling or unmotivated students. We also have some games and interactive things you can use as well
Want to challenge your class? We have a wide and growing collection of puzzles and games you can use. We also reccomend checking out NRICH maths for some amazing puzzles!
100% free. Printable educational materials
No accredation needed! We do apprechiate telling other people about our website though. *Completed