STEAM refers to science, tehcnology, engineering, art, and math. The goal of infinistem is to provide a community, unlimited free collection of knowlage, new innovative and interesting topics and discussions, analysis of interesting topics and case study, materials to help students and teachers, and to improve the education system and learning style to be realistic and so it actully doesnt suck
Infinistem was created as a project to practice computer science and help the world. I take a great amount of effort in my work to ensure accuracy and quality. I hope you like the website, please enjoy it!
There are a few people who work on this website and their full names will not be listed. My name is Alex the creator of infinistem (I am a male). A friend of mine or two has helped write some articles which you will see accredation in that section
All media we did not create ourselves will be credited on the page of its use. Below are things used on every page that are credited here
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Dark mode header: Source
As you may have noticed, we do have ads on this website. As another person, I understand how very much annoying that can be, which is why I have taken the liberty of placing them in less anyoying locations, to not take away from the experiance. The reason behind them, and why every website uses them, is because it is how we support the site. We generate money from displaying ads, and use it to keep our site up. Despite this, every tool and resource on this site is completly free to use.
Our account system is currently a work in progress and the login buttons will become avalible once it is perfected. Our accounts utilize a database secured by firebase tools made by google and passwords are avalible for us to view. Accounts allow a way to track your progress on Infinistem such as scores on games, practice and quizzes. Eventually we may create a forum. Playing games and practice problems allows you to gain experiance points for your account and completing quizzes from our learning section allows you to earn badges. You can print a certificate with all your badges showing that you are certified in a subject or multiple
Read the short article below that gives you some tips on online saftey and etiquette