Math is a very important subject as it allows us to create a langauge in a sense for science, something that helps us explain the natrual world and things in our society

If you've read more of my articles in lessons im sure you know how much I stress this point! Math is important. And today were going to be showimg that by taking a look at some of the most influential, useful, and important equations ever discovered. We will list them in order of discovery date

First of all lets make sure we know what an equation is its simply something that states two things are equal or have a connection or relationship between them

Equation #1 - Pythagorean Theorem - 1800 BC Babylonians and Egyptians, Pythagoras 530 BC in Greece

a2 + b2 = c2

The pythagorean theorem states that if you have any right triangle or a triangle with 90 degrees in the cornor made by 2 perpendicular lines then the two shortest sides times themselves will be equal to the largest side times itself. This very basic geometric theorem is the foundation for all of trigonometry, geometry and solving many, many problems within out world! Although named after the greek mathematician Pythagoras this was known by many ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese

Equation #2 - Chinese Remainder Theorem - Discovered by Sunzi 300 BC in China

This formula was first used by the chinese to develop accurate and detailed calendars although it is quite useful for many modern applications such as Number Theory Proofs, Efficiency in computation, and cybersecurity

Equation #3 - Binomial Theorem / Pascal's Triangle - Discovered by Jia Xian in China and Omar Khayyam in Persia (Iran) 1000s

A very important series of patterns in math that has many applications in algebra and arithmetic. The associated uses are very important in statistics, probability, and combinatronics as well as finance

Equation #4 - Logarithmic Product Rule - John Napier 1610 Scotland

This very important logarithm rule thought to be discovered by John Napier in 1610 is very important for solving a number of problems related to exponents and exponential growth as well as establishing how we can break expressions up from multiplication to addition

Equation #5 - Fundimental Theorem of Calculus - Discovered by James Gregory 1667 in Scotland

Calculus is one of the most important feilds of mathematics and all modern science and engineering is built on the foundations of calculus which considers the study of the changing world. The fundimental theorem states a relationship between the derrivite and integral of a function

Equation #6 - Compound Interest - Discovered by Jacob Bernoulli 1683 in Switzerland

Compound interest is very important in the modern financial world and also lead to the discover of Euler's Number e which is one of the most important constants in all of mathematics

Equation #7 - Second Law of Motion - Isaac Newton 1687 in England

Establishes the fact that forces are responsible for motion. This equation was responsible for the birth of modern physics and are understanding of the world from describing the movements of astronomical bodies to things that happen on earth

Equation #8 - Law of Gravity - Isaac Newton 1687 in England

Gravity is the most fundimental force that holds our universe together so much that many physicists like Einstein belive that it is not even a force instead just the way the universe behaves for reasons we will not cover in this, however this law states the important fact that every single particle in the universe attracts every other with force proportional to thier masses multiplied and is also inversly proportional to the square of the distance seperating them

Equation #9 - Taylor's Theorem - Brook Taylor 1712 in England

Very important theorem side by side with the fundimental theorem of calculus. This allows us to study analyticity of functions and approxmate things in physics, engineering and more. In simple terms this lets us understand an arithmatic sequence that up to infinity appromates functions such as exponential and trigonometric ones both of which are crucial in math and science

Equation #10 - Wave Equation - Jean le Rond d’Alembert 1746 in France

Equation #11 - Euler's Formula - Leonhard Euler 1748 from Switzerland, in Russia

Equation #12 - Euler-Lagrange Equation - Leonhard Euler and Joseph-Louis Lagrange 1750s - Swiss & Italain Mathematicans

Equation #13 - Normal Distribution - Carl Friedrich Gauss 1809 in Germany

Equation #14 - Fourier Transform - Jean-Baptiste Fourier 1822 in France

Equation #15 - Navier Stokes Equation - Claude Navier (France) George Stokes (Ireland) 1845

Equation #16 - Maxwell's Equations - James Clerk Maxwell 1861 in Scotland

Equation #17 - Boltzmann Entropy - Ludwig Boltzmann 1875 from Austria lived in Germany, Italy

Equation #18 - Lorentz Force - Oliver Heaviside 1889 England, Hendrik Lorentz 1892 Netherlands

Equation #19 - Lorentz Transformations - Hendrik Lorentz Netherlands and Joseph Larmor 1890s Ireland

Equation #20 - Einstein Mass-Energy Relation - Albert Einstein 1905 from Germany, Lived in Switzerland & United States

Equation #21 - Schrödinger Equation - Erwin Schrödinger 1925 in Austria

Equation #22 - Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Charles Cobb and Paul Douglas 1927 in United States

Equation #23 - Information Theory - Claude Shannon 1949 United States

Equation #24 - Black-Scholes Equation - Fischer Black and Myron Scholes 1973 in United States

Equation #25 - Chaos Theory - Robert May 1975 Australia

Sources: All information was taken from wikipedia's articles on these mathematicians and scientists. The equations themselves were too and are very infamous so most I was already aware of and had learned in school

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