In this article you will learn how to perform 2 very important life saving medical procedures. You dont need to be a medical expert to perform them and it can save lives

I think that everyone should know how to do this as it may come in use at any point in your life whether a loved one needs it or a complete stranger needs help

Both of these are very easy to learn and remember things that can save lives and is considered to be another part of basic first aide

To provide information on accurate ways to do this we will directly cite and research from accredited medical sources

1. Heimlich Manuever

Source: Cleveland Clinic

The heimlich manuever is a very simple. A series of steps and a visual are given to explain how to perform it. It is used if an object such as food is obstructing someones airways. In other words it helps someone choking

  1. First make sure the person is standing. Stand directly behind them and put your arms around their stomach or abdominal area
  2. Make one hand into a fist and tightly wrap the other hand (doesn't matter which one) around it
  3. Place the top part of your fist (thumb side) slightly below the ribcage and roughly 2 inches above the belly button
  4. Start sharply thrusting your hands inward and up. It should be done 5 times according to Cleveland Clinic
  5. Repeat this until the object is dislodged from the windpipe. If the person becomes unconcious call 911 and perform CPR

Image source: U.S Army Medical Dept. Public Domain

You can also perform this on yourself using the same method although an object such as a chair or railing can be used to help

It is very important that the method is performed correctly as stated above or harm can result in the person

It is also important to understand how to prevent choking. Although unlikley it can happen and to prevent it particularly among young children you should keep chokable objects out of reach, cut food into small peices, and supervise them. Be careful with round objects too such as grapes or hotdogs