
Note: We suggest researching colleges & what courses the offer

Try looking for videos about certian jobs! see what a day in the life is like.

Standard Interview Tips

Note: Always remember to practice questions. Also research the career meta thoroughly

Dress Nicely even if the job is casual! I remember a funny anecdote by a Youtuber who said when he was 17 he got a job at mcdonalds very quickly because he showed up to the inverview in a suit and tie.

Make sure to smile and be relaxed. Laugh at any jokes that may be made and partake in conversation. Make sure you are clean as well. Fix your hair, brush your teeth, etc

Eat a good breakfast and get enough sleep. Doesnt have to be hard: Just 8 hours should be enough, eat and drink coffee and you should be ready. I recomend streatching via yoga to get yourself ready for the day, not just for interviews, but in general

Do your research! be knowlageable about the company and the description and desired points of your job

Make sure you have prepared a resume or any documentation that proves you are exempliary. Also bring a notebook so you can write down any important information you are given

Think of reasonable and intellegent questions about the job to ask. You get to talk too!

Show up early! You want to show up early for an interview to show dedication to the job. You can use extra time to look around the place and see how things work

Tips for Highschool Students about career readiness:

  1. It's Perfectly fine and normal if you dony know what you want to do yet and you can figure things out along the way. Explore possibilities to see things you like, and learn how to take care of yourself. E.G Cooking, Finance, Etc. You may graduate highschool and still not know, and dont stress. If you decide to enter a college and still dont know what you want to major in that is also fine. Most classes in the first year or two are not related to your major. Nonetheless it remains important that you do thinking about what you want to do with your life. There is no right answer frankly. Most people decide to get jobs after going to college, trade school, or immiedity into the workforce, start a family and such. Life is yours and you dont have to live it the same way

  2. Dont feel like you have to go to college. College nowadays is quite expensive, which is unfortunate from a student perspective. Even considering inflation, in the year 2024 prices are much higher than in the 80's and 90's. College can be a great preparation for maturity and the career you choose, but it can help to research what jobs you may consider first. Many great jobs dont require a college degree. if you are skilled in a subject already, why should you have to pay? Many people dont go to college and thats fine. Jobs involving trade schools are equally as important. Quite simply put we need people to work in construction, plumbing, and various other careers. Many school guidence cousnlers pressure students into attending a college, but at the end of the day its your decison. Of course do keep in mind other peoples advice. Hearing different perspectives and advice can help you rationilize a situation

Tips for landing a job after college / highschool:

  1. Make a financial plan before doing anything. Think about where you are going to live, and how much money you need to make. Your first few years on the job wont pay as much as more experianced people, so expect not to make a ton of money! You will have to be smart and careful with how you use your money. There are a number of side gigs and things you can do to get yourself a bit of extra cash

Summer Jobs & Internships:

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